I was thinking today... specifically about computers and your time. You've probably heard this before, but when e-mail was invented it was meant to liberate us. No more snail mail, one could send instant messages to anyone around the world in a split second. E-mail actually as it turns out is probably everyone's #1 biggest [...]
I'm a big believer in the idea of lifelong education. I think it's important to decide what kind of information you consume on a daily basis. If you're looking for a podcast that gives you daily motivation and advice I'd recommend The Daily Boost: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/daily-boost-daily-motivation/id207251905?mt=2.
I recently had a setback in my life and I've had a few days to reflect on it. Challenges are inevitable, but they aren't pleasant to experience. However, challenges are what make us grow and shock your consciousness into making life changes. Challenges teach you lessons and give you knowledge, wisdom, and insights. I think most importantly [...]
We keep adding products to TheAnxietyStore.com especially during this past several days. Keep checking back often if you are interested in making a purchase.
Anyone else tired today due to Day Light Savings? If it were up to me we would just keep the current time and not set the clocks back. Time keeps moving forward, it seems just yesterday I was making my New Years Resolutions. I think around this time of year we begin to forget our [...]
It’s always interesting to follow new research findings. The latest question is, can drinking beer prevent Alzheimer’s? Some new research seems to indicate that it can.In an article in the New York Daily News entitled, Drink beer to ward off Alzheimer’s: study, Meredith Engel stated: “We may be a hop, skip and a jump from [...]
In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet states the now famous phrase, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Similarly, mindfulness may seem like a fairly recent concept used to promote more productivity, but in reality mindfulness has been around for centuries with different names attached to it.What Is Mindfulness Really?According [...]
Top 10 Ways to Destress During this Holiday SeasonWith Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching fast, we are at that time of the year where we take stock of how we’re doing so far – at work and at relationships. Do you feel particularly tense at work? Do you feel constantly under pressure, dealing with a hard-to-please [...]
Study Finds Genetic Link To HangoversBarrel fever. The brown bottle flu. A bad case of the night before. No matter what you call the parade of aches, pains, nausea, exhaustion and irritability that follows a night of heavy drinking; there's nothing quite like a bad hangover to make you seriously question your fitness as a [...]
New Study Reveals Organic Foods are Healthier than Conventional FoodsIf you prefer eating 100% natural, organic food rather than conventionally grown food, a new study by an international team of experts proves you right. Being the largest study in this field, it states that organic crops and foods derived from these crops are about 69% [...]