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​Top 10 Ways to Destress During this Holiday Season


Top 10 Ways to Destress During this Holiday Season

With Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching fast, we are at that time of the year where we take stock of how we’re doing so far – at work and at relationships. Do you feel particularly tense at work? Do you feel constantly under pressure, dealing with a hard-to-please boss, combative co-workers and demanding clients? Do you think your personal life could be better? Well, if so, you’re obviously under a lot of stress. Stress is one of the major epidemics in the modern world – nothing takes out the joy out of life as much as stress. But hey, Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and Christmas is not that far off either. Shouldn’t you just take a deep breath and just relax? Destress and take control of your life, learn to be happy yet again. Have fun! Here’s our ready reckoner on the Top 10 Ways to Destress during this Holiday season. Read on!

#1) When you really don’t want to do something - Say "No."

We’re all conditioned to be obedient sons and daughters and later, obedient employees, husbands and wives. All our life we’re told what to do and what not to, how to behave and how not to. Often this is the cause of our stress as we end up doing things we don’t really want to. What’s the only way out of the rut that we’ve led ourselves into? Say “NO!” Say it loud and clear till you’re understood. And don’t fret over the consequences. If something doesn’t make you happy, it’s probably not worth it. Yes, this is our first tip on destressing for you, and the most important.

#2) Exercise regularly

When you exercise, the body releases endorphins, which are called “happy hormones”, because they make you happy. There is no better way to distress than a 30 minute jog in the park followed by a few minutes of stretching exercises.

#3) Ballroom Dancing for fun

Ballroom Dancing is a great way to destress - it gives your body a terrific workout, it keeps your mind active, fresh and alert and it is just a wonderful way to socialize and meet new people. If you already have a partner, taker him or her along – dancing is a great way to bond with the special person in your life.

#4) Laugh it off

When under stress, don’t get upset. Think of something funny – a joke you heard, a scene from a fun movie such as the Bridget Jones’s Diary, the last Daily Show with Jon Stewart episode you saw – anything to make you laugh. Laughter, as the cliché goes, is indeed the best medicine.

#5) Keep a Journal

Many mental health experts recommend keeping a journal and penning your random thoughts in it as one of the best ways to distress. Perhaps you can have a diary where you write your “Thought of the Day”, your reflections after a hard day at work.

#6) Spend time with friends

Invite your buddies from college to a barbecue party. Organize a baseball game, invite as many people as you can, families included. Have fun!

#7) Learn Meditation

Meditation is simply one of the best ways to distress and it is so easy to learn. You don’t need any special skills or training to meditate – just a few minutes of your time and a quiet spot, with nobody disturbing you.

#8) Turn the mobile off

Our life is so dominated by the mobile phone that we can hardly spend 5 minutes without thinking about it. Just switch it off for a couple of hours after work. This is a great way to relax.

#9) Turn the TV off, read a good book instead

TV does not relax you, it makes you even more stressful. Watching the news and seeing the horrible things that are happening in the world makes you resentful, and watching the ads for a pricey watch or a Louis Vuitton handbag only makes you want things you can do very well without. Just read a great book instead.

#10) Stay away from Facebook 

“Facebook Depression” is a new trend, where people worry too much about how they appear to their Facebook friends, keep up a pretense of being super happy and super successful all the time, which often causes them to distort reality – leading to stress, and even depression.

We hope you’ve found our 10 tips for distressing during this Holiday season useful. Thanksgiving and Christmas are meant to be enjoyed with family and friends. Use this time to destress and to re-evaluate your life.